New Year, New You: 5 Easy Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution All Year Long!

As we have entered the new year, the age old question is:
What is your new year’s resolution?

There are 2 main types of mindsets when it comes to new year’s resolutions:

  • You see the new year as a new beginning, a time to reinvent yourself and create new, better habits. 
  • OR you feel skeptical of the glorification of the new year as a time to all-of-a-sudden change who you are and your daily habits/routines

Personally, I think over the past few years, I found myself leaning more towards the latter… feeling frustrated with the unrealistic expectations and goals that we feel the need to set for ourselves January 1st rolls along. I find it exhausting and mentally draining to constantly put yourself down for not sticking with your new year’s resolution and comparing yourself to other people who seemingly have it all together. I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves as a society to make these extreme transformations and have these unrealistic “5AM morning routines”, when in reality it is just the mind games of social media.  

So if you want to make new year’s resolutions and ACTUALLY stick to them, take a look at these 4 tips to get you started! 

Here are 4 easy ways to actually stick to your new year's resolution:


Teamwork makes the dream work! Talk to your friends and family as you’re all gathering for the holidays and see if anyone else has similar new year’s resolutions to you! You can use this time to strategize and make a game plan. 

Having a common goal will motivate ALL of you to do your best to not let the others down. It holds you accountable, so use it as an way to stay consistent! You and your girls can sign up for a few yoga classes together, or set aside an hour to go on a hot girl walk a few times a week!

It forces you to schedule a day and time, instead of just telling yourself: “I’ll start on Monday”


Chances are you aren’t reading this on January 1st, but take this as a sign to get moving!! It is never too late to take control of your life and try new things! You are the one with the power to create change in your life, you do not need the ball to drop for a “fresh start”. 

A lot of the times I think we get overwhelmed and anxious with the start of a new year. Yes, it is the end of a year, but life still goes on the exact same way as before.

The carriage is not going to turn back into a pumpkin when the clock strikes 12am. 

You can start your journey at any time you are ready! If you decide in March that you want to stop spending so much time on social media, then do it! Don’t limit yourself to societal cliches of “New Year, New Me” putting so much pressure on a single month! 

Start your new year’s resolution whenever feels right to you!! 


I think a lot of the reason why many of us don’t end up sticking to our new year’s resolutions is because we set the bar WAY too high. We think we are going to somehow magically change who we are as a person in the matter of a month, which is extremely unrealistic. 

Do not beat yourself up if you are struggling to get started! Set realistic goals for yourself!

A lot of the time we tend to be our own worst enemy. Constantly nit-picking and judging ourselves for the smallest things. Take a look at these 4 tips for overcoming negative self-talk for some guidance on how to reframe your thinking and be kinder to yourself. When you are constantly kicking yourself back down, how to you expect to move forward?! 


Life is a constant journey with yourself, don’t limit your self-growth to begin on January 1 and throw it all away on December 31. Use the end of the year to reflect on yourself and the past year instead of instantly trying to make a new year’s resolution to change yourself. Don’t simply focus on the future or try to forget the past. 

Think about yourself at this moment.
Grab a pen and paper and reflect! 

What do you like about your life right now? Consistent routine? Trying to cook new meals? Trying new things with friends? 

What don’t you like? Any habits you want to try to shake? Quit smoking? Wake up earlier? Be more productive? 

What is something you feel is missing? Wishing you had more self-care time? Meaningful relationships? Learning opportunities? 

Is there something you wish you did more of? See your family more often?  Read more? Go outside more? 

Is there something you wish you did less of? Doom scroll less? Bed rot? Eating fast food? 

What are 3 things you would love to accomplish this year? Find a genre of book you enjoy reading? Get in at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day? Limit screen time to 2 hours a day instead of 8? 

Use this time to learn and face what you could’ve been denying all year. 
Do not shame your past self. be kind to yourself.

This is going to be uncomfortable, but you can do it!