Does a social media detox seem completely unattainable for you?
I promise you it’s not!
You may be skeptical, why do I even need to be doing this social media detox?
And to that, my answer would be to take a look at these 7 benefits of social media detox! I break down all the reasons how going some time without social media will be beneficial to your mental health, productivity, and overall perspective on your day-to-day life!
If you feel like going 24 hours with no social media is unrealistic, then set a time limit for the apps and ACTUALLY STICK TO IT. Don’t just keep hitting “Remind me in 15 minutes” – yeah I’m looking at you!
Try one app at a time, if TikTok is your most used app, cut it out for a day. You don’t have to cut them all out at once in the beginning… you can work your way up to it
Turn notifications off for apps so you aren’t tempted
2. try 24 hours
Does screen time limits sound too easy for you? Try to go 24 hours! No one expects you to be able to just give it all up for a week right off the jump.
3. Keep yourself busy
Make a game plan. What are some things you’ve been wanting to do but “never have the time”. Maybe you want to read a book, go on a walk, catch up with a friend, get ahead on some assignments, update your resume or portfolio, ANYTHING.. The time is now!
4. Be nice to yourself
If you’re considering doing a detox, clearly something about social media has been having a negative aspect on your life. Whether it’s bad for your self-confidence, taking away your time from other things, finding yourself addicted, or just feel like being off the grid for a bit… you are doing it for YOU! So give yourself a break, focus on WHY you are doing it, and keep going!
Are you ready to take a break from social media?
Start your social media detox today with these simple tips and share your progress in the comments!